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Lost Downhill Areas

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Lost Jumps


Alaskan Skiing Photos ... From Days Gone By

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The Alaska Lost Ski Areas Project (ALSAP) is an Alaskan historical web site with the goal of documenting all lost downhill, cross country and jump ski sites in Alaska.  A lost ski area is a site that was once used regularly for skiing, but is not used or used only rarely for skiing now.  This web site is updated when new information on lost ski areas in Alaska is found or contributed.   More information on lost Alaskan ski areas is always welcome !  Especially digital scans of old photos of lost ski areas in use.


Check the Recent Updates link to see what has recently been added.  Here are some interesting lost ski area web pages that you might want to check out: Fire Island, City Ski Bowl, Independence Mine, Nome's Dry Creek, Kennecott, Mount McKinley Army Recreation Camp, Arctic Valley, Cleary Summit, UAF Ski Hill, Curry Ski Hill, Manitoba, the Dan Moller Ski Trail and the Homer sites starting with the Kachemak Ski Club First Rope Tow.  Also, the remote Cold War radar Air Force Stations have offered surprising lost ski areas.  Places like Cape Newenham AFS, Murphy Dome AFS, Tatalina AFS and Indian Mountain AFS.


Plus - don't miss these lost xc sites: Anchorage 4th Avenue and Girdwood Jr. National Trail.


Thanks to all the folks that have a piece of Alaska in their heart, whether they live in Alaska or not - who have contributed lost skiing site information (see the ALSAPPERS list).  Your efforts to help preserve Alaskan skiing history are appreciated by many!!!

Last update to ALSAP: 15 December 2024                                            

So far: 143 lost ski areas have been identified in Alaska.

(94 downhill or mix, 41 cross country only, 8 jump only)

Lost Downhill Ski Areas

Lost Cross Country Ski Trails

Lost Ski Jumps

  • * = Ski jump planned, but never built (not included in the lost areas count)

       "Lure of the North" - 1940 Alaskan Skiing Article by Ted Coomara

Plus: Vintage Photos of Alaskan Ski Areas Currently in Operation

Please note:  The information about these lost ski sites is the best that we have.  But that doesn't mean that it is all accurate.  If you find an error about a ski area, have a different opinion about ski area facts, or have more information .... Please contact us and let us know!  Your help will make this a better historical resource.  Thanks.

You are welcome to use anything on this site if you will be using it for non-commercial historical or educational purposes or for news articles.  But please -  adequately credit the source of pictures and text.  If you want to use content from this site for commercial situations, you must contact us and the content owner for permission and conditions of use. Thanks!
