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Svedland-McLay East Hill Downhill Course


Name of Ski Area: Svedland-McLay Hill Downhill Course
Location: Homer, from the top of East Hill Road down to McLay Road, the finish was in Thompson's Field.
Type of Area: Ski Hill
Dates of Operation: 1960's
Who Built It?: Kachemak Ski Club
Base/Top/ Vertical Drop:

Base: ~200' / Top: ~1150' / Vert: ~950'

Lifts: None
Facilities: This was a cleared race trail down the bluff.  Old mattresses were placed on trees at bad corners.
Miscellaneous: Parents would drive kids to the top, kids would ski down.  Parent #2 would drive skiers up again, while parent #1 returned to the bottom.
Sources of Information:

Jake McLay, Val McLay, Dan Calhoun, Dave Schroer

Photos: Does anyone have pictures of skiing on the Svedland-McLay East Hill Downhill Course (or current pictures of the vicinity) that they would like to contribute to ALSAP ?

~  PHOTOS  ~

East Hill Downhill Course - Racing Photos from 1966

[Photo credits: John "Jake" McLay]

  Bert McLay at the finish in Thompson's Field


This topo map depicts the route used for training and races down the Svedland-McLay Hill.

(click on this map to expand it)

topo_homer_sved.jpg (174273 bytes)

A 1996 aerial view shows the area of the Svedland-McLay Hill in relation to the center of Homer.

(click on view to expand it)

terra_homer_sved.jpg (116208 bytes)

A zoomed in aerial view shows the approximate location of the Svedland-McLay Hill race trail.

(click on view to expand it)

terra_zoom_sved.jpg (140422 bytes)

Research Correspondence 

Kachemak Ski Club History, 1958-1996 by R.H. Moss

"Jake" John H. McLay Skiing Recollections



Links to Homer Lost Ski Areas:

Fred Anderson Rope Tow

Homer Elementary School Practice Hill

Homer First Rope Tow

Homer Second Rope Tow

Ohlson Mountain Air Force Rope Tow

Svedland - McLay Hill



Do you have further information, stories or pictures that you would like to contribute about this ski area?