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Alyeska Glacier Ski Lift

Mid 1960's

Name of Ski Area: No official name.  Alyeska Glacier.
Location: On the small alpine glacier directly above the Alyeska Ski Area.
Type of Area: Temporary ski lift for summer alpine ski racing camp.
Dates of Operation: Mid 1960's


Facilities: None.

Back in the mid 1960's, Don Conrad put a lift on the glacier at Alyeska for a summer racing camp.  It was a metal cable with attached "J" shaped metal supports to lean back on.  Skiers would ride the chairlift up to the Roundhouse, then hike up the ridge along the North Face to the glacier to train.

Don Conrad went on to establish the Stuckagain Heights Rope Tow in Anchorage.

Sources of Information:

Tony Reetz


Does anyone have old pictures of skiing on the Alyeska Glacier that they would like to contribute to ALSAP ?

~  MAPS  ~

The arrow on this topo map shows the location of the glacier above the Alyeska Ski Area where summer ski racing camps would be held and where the temporary ski lift was located.


A satellite view of the Alyeska Ski Area.  The red arrow points to the glacier where the temporary ski lift was located.


Research Correspondence 
[Tony Reetz - 11-18 April 2014 email excerpts]
Back in the mid 60's, Don Conrad put a lift on the glacier at Alyeska for a summer racing camp. It was a metal cable with attached "J" shaped metal supports to lean back on.  We rode the chairlift up to the Roundhouse, then hiked up the ridge along the North Face every day to train.

That lift was also used uphill of the Roundhouse. We just called it the Mighty Mite.

[Don Conrad's} wife at the time of the summer camp tripped and fell on her boot tree (they were metal then) and gashed her shin pretty bad.

Also during that camp, my brother Albert fell into a crevasse and was successfully rescued.

I believe Bruce Fenn was there because I remember his dad George before he was killed in a helicopter crash. Seems to me he was a surveyor.

Probably all the Mighty Mites at the time were there ; don't know about the Simaskos, but Garrett Walker,  maybe Matt Tanaka...

I remember being so sunburnt that we swelled up around our eyes...

Do you have further information, stories or pictures that you would like to contribute about this ski area?